Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dino Island- Zia's Diary

56 b. b. k.Yesterday a Jedi master came to Utapou to get a Varactil. She came to the place were you get Varactils. She looked carful at each of them and I was chosen. So I went home with her. She said that she would raise me as a cub, and that she would train me, and I overheard them saying that when I grew up I would be a pet for the two Jedi. they wood ride on me for missions. Today we were on a mission to steal a sculpture that could ruin the Fighters forever. So we had to get in. But only a bounty hunter can get in. then Casa found a dead body in a corner. she qicky shape-shifted it. It was the dead Sort Sout. the other two breatended too be helpers. Casa secretly sneaked into the labtory and took the sculpture. the others were still distracting a few other bounty hunters. then she whispird into her comlik too tell them to find a plan too get away by themselves. So they did. then each of them all back too the Jedi temple. then they had there meeting and I staid out side.

57 b. b. k. I was a wreck today. We got captured by the Fighters. First we were out side. Then sudenly a scramudu grabed us and thru us in a very very big and wet sinkhole. Then he took us. Luckliy Casa escaped. She qickly orderd a team of soldrers, but when they got too the fighters base they were too late. they alredy blasted off with me. So, she tried to catch up to them. but they were too fast. they could not keep up with the tie fighters. So they came back too our base. Then she told everyone. So, they all coom up with a snick attack plan. They failed, and many people died in space. Then Casa thought of the most brilliant plan. If there were too many people she would mess up. So she went buy herself. First, she killed a guard. Then she shape-shifted into the guard. Then she pretended too be guarding us. Then she took us out and pretended too be taking us too a other place too be captrured  She took us back too our base.

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